Integration with WhatsApp or other chatting apps
It would be nice to see WhatsApp chats or other apps chats in eWay-CRM HUB.
Comments: 3
17 Oct, '22
Francois SteynWe're finding that most clients these days use whatsapp as first choice to communicate with their personal broker i9nstead of email as it's an immediate notice.
Would be great to integrate directly from whatsapp for creating tasks and uploading docs etc -
20 Oct, '23
Jens Kristian Brugvaskifti MergedI am a new user to eway, but one feature I see right away I am missing is a feature to have a WhatsApp number included in the contact cards for on the contact platform.
Any chance you can embed WhatsApp to your platform? -
14 Mar, '24
Jan Lalinsky Admin"WhatsApp" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2023-10-20), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.