OCR card reader integration
We would like to see a feature that allows for the integration of an OCR text scanner. It should allow us to scan the information on business cards directly into eWay. Then add a contact together with the details on the business card. A preview of the contact should appear beafore allowing the user to save or cancel the task.
Comments: 2
09 Sep, '22
Paul Naudé MergedAt a recent exhibition, to avoid interrupting a chat with a prospect, I simply snapped a photo of his/her business card in the mobile eWay app and made a quick note of what they were interested in. However, the saved photographs are mostly cropped and I can't zoom in or see the complete image to access the details! Luckily I found that if I copy the image from the Desktop contact card and paste it into a image viewer like MS Paint, it shows the uncropped image! Phew! Hope this could be made easier to access.
18 Jul, '23
Jan Lalinsky Admin"Contact photo details used for business card" (suggested by Paul Naudé on 2022-09-09), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.